about me
I was born in 1987, in a small town in south east of Brazil. I got out of there as soon as I could, replacing the familiar cobblestones streets by the hectic avenues of the never silent São Paulo.
In the free time between my combi-bachelor degree in psychology and philosophy (which only the first was finished) and work, I started teaching myself how to take photographs. My chosen topic was the punk scene where I played the roles of musician, roadie, audience and aspiring photographer.
My idea of photography as a proof, trace, a point on a map started then and grew up with me from the sweaty clubs and squats to the studio self-portraits I take nowadays. From the idea of proof to the concept of landmarks, photography helps me tell stories, both mine and of others, or perhaps of all of us.
I photograph rough edges, soft spots, between the lines, aggressively, for much of the darkness of the punk years remained. What hurts, what’s untold, what has left, abandonment, my search of identity are all present in my work, making it very personal, a biographical map for others to read.
I am currently based in Berlin and studying photography at University of Applied Sciences.